What Does the Snapchat’s Red Heart Mean?
On Snapchat, a friend’s name and the red heart emoji ❤️ is a symbol of a relationship. This means you and that friend are #1 Best Friends for two weeks. This feature of Snapchat’s “Best Friends” function uses your interactions with friends on the app to choose which emojis to use. The red heart honors the constancy of your Snap-streak and suggests that you have been each other’s preferred chat partner for a considerable amount of time.
How to get the red heart on Snapchat?
Continue proactively interacting with your friend to receive the red heart emoji. This might indicate:
First of all, they regularly snap at one another.
secondly, keeping up a Snap-streak and chatting frequently.
finial, putting one another first in communications to maintain each other as each other’s best friend.